Thursday, October 8, 2015

Life in the Fast Lane

Whew! I almost missed my Thursday blog post! Life's been a bit out of control the last few weeks. I threw a surprise party for my hubby last week, which was months in the planning, and had a houseful of out-of-town guests who came to the party. I'm working on the revisions from my editor for Dreams of Her Own, due out at the end of the year. The day-job has been a little insane, and I have two community events in as many weeks. Not to mention all the regular stuff that has to get done on a day-to-day basis. I don't even want to THINK about the upcoming holidays.

Do you ever wonder why events seem to converge into a narrow window of time? You can go for weeks or even months just bumping along at a steady pace, and then WHAM! Three, four, five things are crammed into a short period. Even if they're all good, the stress can take a toll on you.

As an introvert, I crave downtime. Alone time. Me time. And when life gets crazy, and I don't get that, I turn into a bitch, um, grouch. Just ask my hubby -- he'll tell you.

What do you do when life piles it on? Do you thrive under the pressure, or cave like a cheap suitcase?  What helps you cope?

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